I'm running late on email (victory for swiftness!), but Dad is in Black Mountain and I am back in NC for the long haul now. While in Texas I saw a tortoise slowly crossing the road. I was stopping the car to try to help it speed along, since it was a relatively busy spot in my dad's little town. Before I could get out of my car, another car came rapidly in the other direction and seemed oblivious to my purpose or to the tortoise's presence. Then to my surprise, the tortoise took off at a sprint, about 8 to 10 steps, to jump off the culvert into the creek. I've never seen one run so fast. So there it is. Probably would not have done so well for many more steps. Hoping the best for you as the treatment and living goes on.

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Praying for you everyday, will add these request to the prays

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Writing down these requests to remember to pray specifically for them. Love you, friend!

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Your post was beautiful and funny and so courageous and creative. May the Lord be very present to you. Rosie

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Jul 22, 2021

I pray with you that your blood work will be OK for this treatment, especially your white blood cell count; that this treatment will work in fighting the cancer; and for the side effects to be minimal so that you can stay on this treatment regimen as long as possible.

In Jesus Name I pray and trust.

Linda Vanhook

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So glad for prayer directions. All day every day it helps to know what to pray. You’ll be in the prayer circle at Mt L food pantry today for sure🙏💝

As I contemplate your fable insights, from the vantage point of age 72, convicting grace reminds me I spent a lot of years going real fast in the wrong direction …or worse yet, in circles. Oh my😊

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Dear Heather - love for you & your dear ones filled our prayer time at Mt L food pantry.

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I can relate to your "journey(having experienced cancer two different times in my life).It was very hard for me to stay positive-your writings seem to reflect a positive attitude---hope so ! I am proof that cancer can be beat...

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We are praying these drugs will do their job and especially that you will be able to tolerate them!! So happy for all you have accomplished thus far. We love you! 💕

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We are cheering from our hearts! Love you

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