Heather, I found your blog from Jen's email letter. Both of my parents were diagnosed with cancer in 2020. My mom with stage 4 ovarian cancer and my dad with stage 2 bladder cancer. I live about 17 hours away and to say it has been difficult is an understatement. I know you know. Your words regarding Hope hit my heart like a breath of fresh air. I needed them. Thank you for being so transparent. Praying you feel the amazing presence of Immanuel as you take one day at a time to be present in hope. Immanuel -God with us. What a gift. Merry Christmas.
Thanks for your words, Heather. I found your comments on hope so thought-provoking and human that I read them aloud to our staff. We all agreed, reflected, and prayed. Big hi to David too.
I hope you and Dave managed to get the topping on the sweet potatoes. Of course I was worrying about that when I left. :) I think you're a picture of hope, my friend: this active clinging to the God who is clinging to us. Thank you for letting me witness this and for testifying to your hope in this letter. Love reading what you're writing.
Heather, yesterday I volunteered for apheresis at the Red Cross, a 3-hour process by which platelets are removed from one's blood, and the red and white blood cells are returned to the body. I did so in honor of you as you may need platelet transfusions, and in honor of Larry Bumgardner who regularly made platelet donations. I am look forward to reading your account of the daunting journey you are undertaking to prolong your days.
It was so interesting to hear what your family ate for thanksgiving. I keep seeing Mac and cheese for thanksgiving on FB and wondered about it. Now I know it must be a southern dish - I wasn’t brought up on it and never had it for Thanksgiving. 🤗. (I love Mac and cheese!).
You might not be able to tell from our picture, but Ruby wasn’t as excited to wear her yellow shoes as the rest of us were! 🐾 We had a terrible time getting her to keep them on. In the pic I sent of us all laughing she was finally tired of the whole deal and reared up on her hind legs in revolt!! 🤣. Aaron was very patient waiting to get the pic at just the right time.
We had lots of laughs over the silliest things, but hopefully it was good medicine for Dave! But we all missed you and the boys very much!! We love you all. 💕🙏🏻
Heather, am continuing to pray your white blood counts goes up more so that you’re able to continue with your targeted therapy. I appreciated your blog and also am glad David got to spend time with his family in the States 😊. I like this acrostic for HOPE: Holding On Praying Expectantly! Blessings to you and Dave this Christmas, Penny Oesterling
Heather, I found your blog from Jen's email letter. Both of my parents were diagnosed with cancer in 2020. My mom with stage 4 ovarian cancer and my dad with stage 2 bladder cancer. I live about 17 hours away and to say it has been difficult is an understatement. I know you know. Your words regarding Hope hit my heart like a breath of fresh air. I needed them. Thank you for being so transparent. Praying you feel the amazing presence of Immanuel as you take one day at a time to be present in hope. Immanuel -God with us. What a gift. Merry Christmas.
Thanks for your words, Heather. I found your comments on hope so thought-provoking and human that I read them aloud to our staff. We all agreed, reflected, and prayed. Big hi to David too.
I hope you and Dave managed to get the topping on the sweet potatoes. Of course I was worrying about that when I left. :) I think you're a picture of hope, my friend: this active clinging to the God who is clinging to us. Thank you for letting me witness this and for testifying to your hope in this letter. Love reading what you're writing.
Heather, yesterday I volunteered for apheresis at the Red Cross, a 3-hour process by which platelets are removed from one's blood, and the red and white blood cells are returned to the body. I did so in honor of you as you may need platelet transfusions, and in honor of Larry Bumgardner who regularly made platelet donations. I am look forward to reading your account of the daunting journey you are undertaking to prolong your days.
It was so interesting to hear what your family ate for thanksgiving. I keep seeing Mac and cheese for thanksgiving on FB and wondered about it. Now I know it must be a southern dish - I wasn’t brought up on it and never had it for Thanksgiving. 🤗. (I love Mac and cheese!).
You might not be able to tell from our picture, but Ruby wasn’t as excited to wear her yellow shoes as the rest of us were! 🐾 We had a terrible time getting her to keep them on. In the pic I sent of us all laughing she was finally tired of the whole deal and reared up on her hind legs in revolt!! 🤣. Aaron was very patient waiting to get the pic at just the right time.
We had lots of laughs over the silliest things, but hopefully it was good medicine for Dave! But we all missed you and the boys very much!! We love you all. 💕🙏🏻
I love that you write notes to your healthcare providers 💛💛💛💛 I hope you are doing well friend!!!
Heather, am continuing to pray your white blood counts goes up more so that you’re able to continue with your targeted therapy. I appreciated your blog and also am glad David got to spend time with his family in the States 😊. I like this acrostic for HOPE: Holding On Praying Expectantly! Blessings to you and Dave this Christmas, Penny Oesterling