This was wonderful. When every new post arrives, I consider it my favorite . . . until the next one. Thanks for helping us remember the practicalities of being dust. Love you!

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Heather, thank you for adding the appropriate weight to Mary's "yes." A powerful reflection of God's presence and our action that is possible because of that divine grace. Amen, sister!

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I see your decisions and preparations as perfect for Lent. These are acts of love - acts of caring on behalf of others. They are also acts of witness, reflecting your trust in our Lord who has promised NEVER to forsake us -- so there is no "gap" in His care as we pass from this brief earthly time to His eternal time.

I too see estate planning, closet cleaning, and giving NOW, as ways of loving my family and others rather than leaving "stuff" for others to handle. And I tell them these acts are my loving intentions lived out....made real.

Today was a great day for me -- it is always a great day when yet another person tells me of their Damascus Road experience....I'm now up to 53 people who've told me these stories of "shock and awe". Yup - Jesus is real and He just keeps showing up.

We can't wait to have you in the City Mouse House in April. We will not bother you - we will give you the joy of family time....the best of Easter blessings.

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